Downtown Dadeland Availables Condos for Sale

Downtown Dadeland Amenities

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Newest Condo Units

Unit # Price %Chng Bed/Bath Square Feet Square m2 $/Ft2 $/m2 Maint/$ DOM Floors
$729,000  new 70 2 /2 1,738 161 $419 $4,515 $0 11 7th
$475,000  new 52 2 /2 947 88 $502 $5,399 $873 14 2nd

2 Bedroom Condos

Unit # Price %Chng Bed/Bath Square Feet Square m2 $/Ft2 $/m2 Maint/$ DOM Floors
$465,000  -1.06%   20 2 /2 1,090 101 $427 $4,592 $1,118 87 3rd
$729,000  new 70 2 /2 1,738 161 $419 $4,515 $0 11 7th
$427,000  -2.95%   27 2 /2 1,041 97 $410 $4,415 $961 88 5th
$409,000   37 2 /2 882 82 $464 $4,992 $905 121 5th
$419,900   29 2 /2 1,129 105 $372 $4,003 $1,043 50 3rd
$399,900  -3.64%   31 2 /2 852 79 $469 $5,052 $787 38 3rd
$475,000  new 52 2 /2 947 88 $502 $5,399 $873 14 2nd
Short Sale Short Sale  Foreclosure - Foreclosure  *a blinking %change means price adjustment in the past 20 days. New listing Last Updated Today

# of Units Avg Price Avg $/Square Ft Lowest Median Highest Avg Days on Market
7 $474,971 $438 $399,900 $427,000 $729,000 58
Price Reductions This Week: 0
Price Reductions last 30 Days: 3
Price Reductions last 90 Days: 3